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  • Films Made Before 2000 (308)
  • So Bad They're Good (166)
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January 11, 2023

An Inadvertently Psycho-Sexual, Socio-Political, Nudie Cutie Called Sextet

Sextet is a stupid movie, so stupid it overlooks its own misogyny and forgets to hide it behind a veil of prurience. Nudie cuties aren’t supposed […]
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January 8, 2023

Noboru Ishiguro’s Megazone 23

Megazone 23 is laser-focused on its target market. Everything about the film is carefully arranged to appeal to what I would guess is a 15-year-old boy. […]
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January 1, 2023

Michael Findlay’s Shriek Of The Mutilated

The 1974 film Shriek Of The Mutilated begins with a series of drawings that document the existence of a Yeti, or at least a high […]
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December 25, 2022

It’s A Porn! It’s A Toon! It’s Sheena In Wonderland!

Why would you make an X-rated cartoon? I don’t mean the 3D stuff on Pornhub, I mean a Bugs Bunny-style slapstick sex cartoon. Who is the […]
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December 21, 2022

The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living And Became Mixed Up Zombies

The main problem with The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living And Became Mixed-Up Zombies is the title. The title is comical, and so sets […]
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December 14, 2022

Just When You Thought Japanese Films Couldn’t Get Any Stranger, Along Comes Star Virgin

OK. so here is the situation. There is this Japanese movie from 1988 called Star Virgin. It was a straight-to-VHS affair and it is very hard […]
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December 11, 2022

The Wicked City: Live Action vs Anime

I watched the live-action version of Wicked City not knowing that an anime version preceded it. Knowing that the live-action version was based on an […]
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December 8, 2022

After Un Chien Andalou Came L'Age d'Or

L'Age d’Or is credited to Luis Buñuel and Salvador Dalí, but apparently it was mostly Buñuel’s production. Dalí was too busy becoming a hollow self-parody. […]
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November 27, 2022

Beware Of Charles Vincent’s Visions

I’ll just start with what went through my poor little brain while I watched Charles Vincent’s 1977 film Visions. “Why? Why would anyone make a movie […]
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November 23, 2022

All Women Are Bad At Least According To Larry Crane

“Director” Larry Crane made 7 films between 1967 and 1969. All Women Are Bad was made in 1969, right after Sugar Daddy and right before The Love Captive. All Women Are […]
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November 13, 2022

Elsie Jane Wilson’s The Dream Lady

The struggle for gender equality has no start date. There are events that can be marked and movements that can be traced, but the fight […]
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November 9, 2022

Shakti Samanta’s Sawan Ki Ghata

I don’t know what happened to the print of this film but it looks wacky. It may have been digitized and the saturation turned up […]
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October 19, 2022

H. Tjut Djalil’s Dangerous Seductress

I can’t understand how a movie like Dangerous Seductress got made. As close as I can figure, someone must have had too much money lying around and […]
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October 12, 2022

Govindan Aravindan’s Kummatty: The Beauty Is In The Telling

There is nothing you could change or tweak to improve Kummatty. It functions on its own terms and succeeds in producing something simple and beautiful. […]
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October 9, 2022

The Bride And The Beast: A Primer On Sex And Gender

There is no shortage of gorilla suit movies. Whether it is Sasquatch, an alien who happens to look like a gorilla, a monster that happens […]
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October 5, 2022

What Can You Say About The Imp-Probable Mr. Weegee?

Weegee the film is a good bit like Weegee the man. Neither one is easily quantified or categorized. Arthur Fellig who renamed himself Weegee was […]
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September 25, 2022

 Dave Markey’s Two Punk Movies About The Lovedolls 

Desperate Teenage Lovedolls is a piece of shit, but that’s what it wants to be. It’s a punk film, about a punk band, doing punk […]
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September 22, 2022

IFD’s Konan The Barbarian Swordsman A Movie About A Man Named Eagle

This film is a mess. If I had to guess I would say it was edited in the dark by a child, a blind child, […]
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September 14, 2022

Komatsu’s Sayonara Jupiter Is A Doozy!

Sayonara Jupiter, also known as Bye-Bye Jupiter. was made in Japan by Sakyo Komatsu in 1984. On Wikipedia, it says that Komatsu “was one of […]
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September 11, 2022

The Hidden Czechoslovakian Gem Of Things Supernatural

The film Of Things Supernatural is an anthology based on three stories written by Karel Capek. Capek was a prominent writer during the turn of […]
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September 9, 2022

Sun Ra In: Space Is The Place

When I was young, I heard that there was this musician named Sun Ra who dressed like an ancient Egyptian and claimed he was from […]
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August 31, 2022

The Beauties And The Beast And The Geek: Or How To Abuse A Gorilla Suit

I believe it was Joseph Campbell who said that the essential ingredients for making a hero’s journey epic are a protagonist, an antagonist, and a […]
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August 24, 2022

The Nest Of The Cuckoo Birds: A Gothic Noir Mixture of Psycho And Jane Eyre 

It was the poster that caught my eye first. The weird Matisse-inspired graphics and the words “Sadism,” “Quack Love,” and “Horror” emblazoned in red made The […]
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August 21, 2022

Daniele Ciprì and Franco Maresco’s Fascinating Film: Toto Who Lived Twice

For a movie that many people might walk out on immediately, Toto Who Lived Twice is beautifully made. Directed by Daniele Ciprì and Franco Maresco in 1998, […]
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