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  • Blaxploitation (9)
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May 10, 2023

"Thrilling Bloody Sword:" More Gonzo Entertainment From Taiwan

Thrilling Bloody Sword opens with the theme from the Battlestar Galactica television show. Not the cool Battlestar Galactica from 2004, but the ridiculous one from […]
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May 3, 2023

Hal Hartley’s "Amateur"

The first time I saw Hal Hartley’s Amateur, I had chicken pox and a 104°F temperature. I watched it before I went to bed, and […]
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April 23, 2023

A Horror Movie Filmed in Esperanto, With William Shatner. Why?

Director Leslie Stevens said he filmed his 1966 film Incubus in Esperanto to give it an “otherworldly” feeling. If what he meant by “otherworldly” was […]
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April 16, 2023

Jess Franco’s Inexplicable Film "Sex Is Crazy"

Would you drink a smoothie made from The Discrete Charm of the Bourgeoisie, Holy Motors, Inland Empire, and a smattering of smutty Spanish soft-core porn? […]
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April 12, 2023

Favorite Scenes No.30: All Quiet On The Western Front

In 1930, Lewis Milestone directed a film adaptation of Erich Maria Remarque’s novel All Quiet On The Western Front. It was made before the institution […]
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April 6, 2023

 The Most Jewish Movie Ever Made

This has got to be the most Jewish movie ever made. This movie makes Woody Allen’s films look like nativity plays. The film is called […]
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March 29, 2023

A Small But Surprisingly Graphic Detail In The Best Years of Our Lives

William Wyler made The Best Years of Our Lives in 1946. I doubt he could have made it in 1945. In 1945, America was still […]
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March 26, 2023

Timothy Carey’s "The World’sGreatest Sinner" Is Prophetic

Let me be the first to admit I had never heard of Timothy Carey. I watched The World’s Greatest Sinner because the title was titillating, […]
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March 22, 2023

Daniel L. Symmes’ Psychedelic Experiments In Three Dimensional Porn

Daniel Symmes made two 3D porn films. They were released as a double feature in 1977. The first film is a 28-minute “featurette” called Experiments […]
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March 19, 2023

The Challenging Ethics Of Peter Robinson’s Documentary Asylum

Peter Robinson’s Asylum is a documentary made in 1972. From the very beginning, everything about the film is problematic and uncomfortable. Even now, just trying […]
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March 15, 2023

"Night on The Galactic Railroad:" If Tarkovsky Made an Anime? 

What if Tarkovsky was smacked on the head by an errant boom mic and woke up thinking he was a Japanese anime director? Oh, and […]
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March 12, 2023

Abbas Kiarostami’s Early Documentary "First Graders"

Abbas Kiarostami’s documentary film First Graders is irresistible. It’s simple and straightforward, but it grabs hold of you and doesn’t let go. Kiarostami is a […]
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March 8, 2023

Cutie Honey: Too Good To Be Bad

Cutie Honey: The Movie (2004) is too good to be bad. I started watching it in hopes that it would be a typical example of […]
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March 1, 2023

"Night Flyers" Isn’t Really That Bad

Kudos to the film crew for producing this film while the sound stage was on fire. I’m assuming there must have been quite a blaze […]
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February 22, 2023

Alan Gadney’s Pointless Film, Moonchild

If you like good acting, I suggest you stop reading this article and forget you ever heard the name Moonchild. This odd, little movie stars […]
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February 19, 2023

Geeking Out Over A Minor Detail In F.W. Murnau’s Nosferatu

I’ve seen Murnau’s Nosferatu dozens of times. It’s one of my favorites. Somewhere along the line, I noticed a minor detail that brought a smile […]
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February 9, 2023

Carl J. Monson’s "Please Don’t Eat My Mother"

  I have no idea what Carl J. Monson was trying to do when, in 1973, he made Please Don’t Eat My Mother. I suppose […]
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February 5, 2023

Les Blank’s Documentaries about Lightning Hopkins, Clifton Chenier and Mance Lipsomb

All documentaries are doomed to fail. For the most part, documentary films are trying to capture something that can not be captured. Whether it is […]
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February 1, 2023

Sexual Repression And Class Warfare In Leslie Stevens’ "Private Property"

Contempt for the bourgeoisie is the driving force behind a wide range of twentieth-century art. Leslie Stevens’ Private Property is a prime example. It was […]
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January 29, 2023

Santa’s Surveillance State Battles Satan in Rene Cardona’s "Santa Claus"

I’m guessing Rene Cardona’s Santa Claus was intended to be a children’s film, but the lessons it teaches are questionable at best. It’s a Mexican […]
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January 25, 2023

Abel Ferrara’s The Driller Killer Is More Than Just A Slasher Film 

The Driller Killer is a priceless artifact from New York City in the 1970s. It’s a rich nugget of cinema that is greater than the […]
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January 22, 2023

The Porn Industry Wrestles With Its Anxieties In "Rollerbabies"

Pornography directors and producers are human, too. Somewhere under the cocaine, booze, and semen-drenched misogyny, they have a psyche that is vulnerable to the same […]
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January 18, 2023

Portrait In Crystal: Entertaining Nonsense.

 Somewhere in the mess of images I just sat through is a movie… probably. There’s no discernible plot or meaning, but there was a lot […]
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January 15, 2023

Ron Ormond’s The Monster And The Stripper

Ron Ormond's The Exotic Ones AKA The Monster And The Stripper opens with what I affectionately call the “point and look montage.“ It’s a common trope in both […]
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