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October 23, 2022

Mark Region’s Horrendous “film”After Last Season

After Last Season is a top contender for the worst movie ever made. I’m not sure if it is as bad as Bat Pussy, but […]
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October 19, 2022

H. Tjut Djalil’s Dangerous Seductress

I can’t understand how a movie like Dangerous Seductress got made. As close as I can figure, someone must have had too much money lying around and […]
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October 9, 2022

The Bride And The Beast: A Primer On Sex And Gender

There is no shortage of gorilla suit movies. Whether it is Sasquatch, an alien who happens to look like a gorilla, a monster that happens […]
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October 5, 2022

What Can You Say About The Imp-Probable Mr. Weegee?

Weegee the film is a good bit like Weegee the man. Neither one is easily quantified or categorized. Arthur Fellig who renamed himself Weegee was […]
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October 2, 2022

Wilbur And The Baby Factory: A Little Farce About Sexy Girls And Eugenics

Tom Wolfe’s Wilbur And The Baby Factory opens with its theme song. It’s a groovy little ditty made from equal parts Grateful Dead and Almond Brothers. Here […]
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September 25, 2022

 Dave Markey’s Two Punk Movies About The Lovedolls 

Desperate Teenage Lovedolls is a piece of shit, but that’s what it wants to be. It’s a punk film, about a punk band, doing punk […]
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September 22, 2022

IFD’s Konan The Barbarian Swordsman A Movie About A Man Named Eagle

This film is a mess. If I had to guess I would say it was edited in the dark by a child, a blind child, […]
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September 9, 2022

Sun Ra In: Space Is The Place

When I was young, I heard that there was this musician named Sun Ra who dressed like an ancient Egyptian and claimed he was from […]
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August 31, 2022

The Beauties And The Beast And The Geek: Or How To Abuse A Gorilla Suit

I believe it was Joseph Campbell who said that the essential ingredients for making a hero’s journey epic are a protagonist, an antagonist, and a […]
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August 17, 2022

John Waters’ Multiple Maniacs

“These assorted sluts, fags, dykes, and pimps know no bounds. They have committed acts against God and nature. Acts that by their mere existence would […]
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August 7, 2022

The Coffin Joe Trilogy: Or Nietzsche Gonna Getcha’

It all begins with a dark admonition from a cackling witch. Breaking the fourth wall, she waves a skull at the camera and says, “There […]
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July 31, 2022

Donald G. Jackson’s Infamous Rollergator 

I did it. I watched Rollergator. I watched the whole thing. What can I say? What can anyone say? It is less a movie and more […]
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July 27, 2022

Class of 1999: The 1980s In A Nasty, But Thoroughly Entertaining, Little Nutshell

One day your children will turn to you and ask what the 1980s were like, and you won't know how to answer because you won't […]
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July 6, 2022

Norbet Moutier’s Ogroff AKA Mad Mutilator

In reviewing Ogroff, the prestigious New York Times film critic Joseph A. Ziemba wrote that the film was a gore-drenched... European pastiche of American slashers” and I […]
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June 22, 2022

Intrepidos Punks: Blood, Boobs, Bikes And A Whole Lotta Hairspray

The theme song for Intrepidos Punks seems to be based on my life story.  “On the highways, and the cities too Robbing anyone, they always […]
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June 19, 2022

Doris Wishman’s The Prince And The Nature Girl: A Visual Summary

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June 12, 2022

Premutos: Fallen Angel

Premutos: Fallen Angel doesn’t have a lot going for it except an awesome narrator and a seemingly endless supply of fake blood, but if you’re […]
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May 29, 2022

What Do You Mean “Toxic Masculinity?”

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May 22, 2022

Doris Wishman’s A Night To Dismember

Anyone can make a bad movie, what makes Doris Wishman’s A Night To Dismember stand out is how exceptionally bad it is. You simply don’t come across […]
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May 8, 2022

Masashi Yamamoto’s Tampon Tango

This completely obscure and bizarre little film was sent to me by an online associate code-named Liquidnuke. I have to admire his courage, it is […]
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March 13, 2022

When Doris Wishman Titled Her FilmDeadly Weapons She Meant it Literally!

Liliana Wilczkowska was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1937. Her family was Jewish and both her parents were murdered by the Nazis when Hitler invaded. […]
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January 2, 2022

Red Paint, Entitlement AndChocolate Cake = Criminally Insane

Criminally Insane has that special grindhouse funk that makes you want to take a shower when it’s over. It’s an odiferous melange of low budget, in […]
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November 14, 2021

The Brick Dollhouse: Girls Who Want Boys Who Like Boys To Be Girls Who Do Boys

The Brick Dollhouse is so dull and pointless it gets bored of itself. Scenes go on and on until the editor just can’t bear it any […]
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November 11, 2021

Wild Zero: A Cross Cultural Meat Grinder

In 1954 Godzilla lumbered out of the ocean to deliver the message that the coming nuclear age would bring terrifying consequences, but Japan had already suffered […]
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